Last week, in the context of the ErasmusPlus (key action 3) “We the Young People of Europe”, 62 YoungMEPs, from five different Countries, mirrored the work of the European Parliament.
They listened, learnt, discussed, reacted to the speeches of our guests (Susanna Cafaro, Laura Ferrara, Alena Carna, Gabriella Falcicchio, Brando Benifei, Daniele De Luca): Members of the European Parliament and experts who talked with us about the topics on which the YoungMEPs were going to prepare their recommendations.
Then, working in Committees, they produced drafts presented at first to the Parliament gathered in a plenary session, and then discussed in Political Parliamentary Groups, where the YoungMEPs prepared amendments voted one by one during another, long and challenging, plenary session. Eventually, the 1st of July, in its last gathering, the YoungParliament approved the recommendations and concluded its mandate.
We are very happy about the part-taking and team spirit of our YoungMEPs throughout all the process that led at the approval of the recommendations, starting from their engagement in the online training, ending to their heartfelt participation to the discussions during the plenary and parallel sessions of our Parliament.
Without their engagement, it would be impossible to obtain the great results we achieved.
Our grateful thanks go to the partner organisations (the Department of History, Society and Human Studies of Salento University, SaraLab, the Centre for Global Engagement of Coventry University, Lazarski University, Unimel, Active Europe), that supporting us during the projecting and the implementation. Thanks also to our sponsors (Grand Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi, UBI Bank, Quarta Caffé, Cantina Due Palme, Publivela, DFV, Mello srl.) that helped us to collect the resources needed to carry out the project. Last but not least, thanks to our “Italian mentors” Elisa Amatista, Alice Carlucci, Eleonora Dell’Anna, Gabriele De Pascalis, Luisa Lazzari, Federico Plantera, Chiara Sindaco, Marta Vernai, who assisted DEMOSTENE Centro Studi running the online training and giving us an active help in the live-stage of the project.
Most important, after the in-presence step, it’s now time to disseminate: our recommendations must pass “through the looking glass” and be sent, read and discussed by the actual MEPs and all the decision-makers who would like to take seriously into account the suggestions of the Young People of Europe in order to improve more and more the institutions ruling our Continent!
Gianfranco Gatti, president of DEMOSTENE Centro Studi
Emanuele Murra, person in chief of the project