Who we are
Demostene – Study Center for the Promotion of Human Development is a non-profit organization, born in July 2014 from the desire of five young people to combine their skills to create better working conditions for themselves and for others, new opportunities for local development, Philosophical and Social Research and Development Cooperation.
Promuovere lo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie e incoraggiare le competenze digitali attraverso lo studio e progetti formativi comunitari, nazionali e locali per rafforzare le competenze di giovani svantaggiati, programmi il loro ingresso nel mondo del lavoro e incoraggiare uno spirito imprenditoriale…
![Logo finale](https://demostenecentrostudi.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Logo-finale.png)
Our Mission
The association is inspired by an anecdote from the life of the Athenian rhetorician and politician Demosthenes. If Demosthenes is a well-known character, less well-known is the serious speech impediment he suffered from. When he spoke, in fact, he stammered, thus losing much of what he was saying. It is clear that for a civilization where everything, from politics to poetry, was mainly entrusted to orality, recitation and declamation, not knowing how to speak was much more serious than for us moderns …
Charta of values
DEMOSTENE Study Center for the Promotion of Human Development shares the common values of cooperation and associations. Its Mission – to support and develop the skills of its members, volunteers and all the people reached with its activities – makes some of these values a priority. It was therefore decided to make them explicit in a Charter that guides the action of the Study Center and all its members in the implementation
of their initiatives.
Therefore, we members and members of DEMOSTENE Centro Studi commit ourselves to adhere to the following fundamental values: the Person as an end in itself; Transparency and Responsibility; Equality and Diversity; Collaboration and Openness; Resourcefulness and Trust; Training and Research …